A Feasibility Study is a detailed analysis that quantifies the benefits of the energy-efficiency upgrades recommended in an Energy Audit. Feasibility Studies are necessary to validate the effectiveness of technologies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind turbines, and geothermal. As part of our study, we look into the viability of a wide range of renewable energy technologies for both new-build and existing buildings and sites.
- Understand the Baseline, a/k/a the "do nothing" alternative
- Tariff Analysis and Options
- Regulatory Situation Analysis
- Electric and Thermal Load Development
- Physical Site Evaluation
- Equipment Options / Selection
- Preliminary DER Design and Sizing
- Operating Assumptions
- Fuel Costs
- Availability
- Loading
- Tradeoffs with Grid
- O&M Costs
- Permitting and Interconnection Issues
- Budgetary Capital and Cost Development
- Funding Options
- Revenue Enhancement Options (REC's, Virtual Net Metering, 3rd Party Sales, etc.)
- Comparison to Base Case
- Full Financial Analysis (I/S, BS, CF, Operating Assumptions and Results)
- Go or No Go Recommendations